Paradigm Shift

  1. Paradigm Shift Ai
  2. Paradigm Shift Mtg
  3. Paradigm Shift Defined
  4. Paradigm Shift Examples
  5. Paradigm Shift Definition
  6. Paradigm Shift Aew
Paradigm shift korn

Here’s another paradigm shift from my own personal experiences. When I saw the beginning of this video, I was sure, though it was on America’s Got Talent, the group was going to do some physical demonstration of something ‘gang’ related. Paradigm Shift Technologies Inc. 60 Signet Drive, Toronto, ON, Canada M9L 2Y4 Tel. (416) 748-1778 Fax. (416) 748-5889 E-mail: Web:

What is a paradigm shift and how does it affects your life?

Paradigm Shift

Plus 3 proven steps to shift a paradigm so that you can create a freer, fuller and more expansive life!

If you aren’t living a life you absolutely love, it’s simply because your current thought paradigms aren’t serving you.

In fact, most people’s paradigms cause them to procrastinate about the very things that will help them create a life they’d truly love living.

So what is a paradigm then?

How can we define paradigms in a way that’s helpful to understanding them?

The term “paradigm” was first coined by physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn to mean, “a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline.”

When applied to your own life, you can think of a paradigm as a collection of thought patterns that produce habits, that produce results… that may or may not be in harmony with what you would really love.

We all have paradigms in each area of our lives, paradigms that we inherited early in life from our parents, teachers and the culture we grew up in.

These paradigms dictate how we think about money, relationships, career, health and so on.

Paradigms aren’t inherently good or bad.

They’re either expansive – serving you and creating growth in an area of your life, or contractive – creating subconscious blocks and challenges.

Some of your paradigms are likely working great for you, while others may be keeping you stuck.

And if you want to know what your paradigms are producing in your life, all you have to do is look at your current results – because your results are a perfect mirror for the paradigms that you think from and live by.

If you have a dream for your life but that dream is not happening for you, the great news is that you can change your paradigms to better service and manifest your dream.

This is called a paradigm shift, and all it requires is shifting your perspective.

Think of a paradigm shift like this…

Before you build a house, you need a blueprint for it – a pattern or plan for how the house will turn out.

Paradigms are like blueprints, or plans, for specific results in your life.

If you want to change something about the house you’re building, you change the blueprints first.

The same goes for shifting your paradigms to generate different results in your life!

Creating a paradigm shift is simply an awareness issue. Once you recognize that you have a paradigm in place, you have the power to change it.

You have paradigms in place in all areas of your life… maybe without even knowing it.

You create results in for major areas of your life: time and money freedom, health and wellbeing, relationships, and vocation – and chances are you already have pretty firm paradigms in place in each area, some of which may be limiting

Common paradigms holding you back

Here are some examples of common contractive paradigms that may help you identify where your own paradigms are holding you back in life.

Time and money freedom paradigms

Paradigm shifter

When it comes to your relationship to money, for example, you may have been patterned to think that it is wrong to love money, or that wanting more money somehow makes you unspiritual and greedy.

This is a very common but inaccurate paradigm that actually keeps many people from experiencing greater abundance in their lives!

And in terms of your time freedom, perhaps you struggle with how to prioritize tasks, because your current paradigm has you believing that your calendar must be full of obligations before it is full of activities you love in order to be productive and successful.

You may not have ever realized it, but your relationship to your calendar reflects powerful paradigms you have in place about how your spend your time!

Health and well-being paradigms

When it comes to health and well-being, many people adopt the paradigm that so long as their physical health is robust – that they get annual physicals, exercise and eat well – that they’re in optimal health.

But did you know that know that realizing and living into your purpose in life is one of the biggest factors in your overall wellbeing, and can actually increase your lifespan significantly?

Relationships paradigms

Perhaps you were raised to believe that “relationships are just hard,” so you consistently find yourself in difficult relationships.


Or maybe you think that forgiveness and letting to of resentment mean pardoning someone for hurting you, when in reality, you never have to see a person again to forgive them.

Reflect on your personal relationships for a moment.

Are there patterns you see in your friendships or romantic partnerships?

If so, you likely have paradigms in place that are subconsciously at work.

Vocation paradigms

One of the most common reasons why we procrastinate on our dreams is that our current paradigms like to keep us comfortable where we are.

Our paradigms can tell us that the vocations we feel called to are irrational or too big to achieve, when in reality we can accomplish nearly anything we desire with the right blueprints for our dreams.

It’s also common to believe that we have to sacrifice financial stability when pursuing a vocation that we’d truly love.

This paradigm can keep us in a job or field that isn’t truly fulfilling for us.

3 steps to shifting a paradigm

We all have paradigms in place that generate results in our life that we may, or may not, be in love with.

Paradigm Shift Ai

But the great news is that you can shift your paradigms easily in order to generate different results in your life.

Once you become aware that you have a paradigm in place, and that you have power over your mind and thoughts, these next three steps will come naturally for you…

1. Identify an “impact moment”

An impact moment is like an “a-Ha!” moment, where you recognize a contractive paradigm that you have in place.

Identifying an impact moment is a powerful step because it involves looking at a result you have in your life that you’re unhappy with and taking responsibility for it.

2. Immerse yourself in a new paradigm

In order to break a pattern, you have to actually replace it with a new one.

So once you’ve identified a paradigm that isn’t serving your greater good, you have to adopt a new one.

This can involve journaling, saying mantras, listening to meditations, attending personal development events, and so on.

Paradigm Shift Mtg

The key is to immerse yourself in this new thought pattern.

3. Embrace repetition

In order to implement a new paradigm long term, repetition is key.

Just like a new habit often takes 90 days to stick, thought patterns take time to become second nature and to generate the results you desire.

So whatever your immersion techniques are, keep doing them.

Eventually you’ll have an entirely new system of paradigms and work in your life, and your results will reflect them!

Paradigms are power

Remember, you are far more powerful than any circumstance, situation or conditions you will ever find yourself in.

You can’t always control what happens in your life, but you can always control how you choose to respond.

And by becoming aware of your paradigms, and ensuring you have expansive and empowering ones in place, you’ll be truly astounded by how quickly you’re able to shift your thoughts and create extraordinary results in your life that you’re absolutely in love with!

Do you long for more in life, but you’re not quite sure what it is that you would most like to be, do, have or give in this life?

Or do you have a clear sense of your greatest dreams but are looking to accelerate your results?

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Legendary Paradigm sound, anywhere. Easy-to-use products with emphasis on portable, wireless & fully-powered speaker solutions.


Loaded With Technology

• Nine full-range 2.5' high excursion composite cone drivers.
• Three-dimensional Soundfield™ Anthem Room Correction - ARC™, with included calibrated digital microphone.
• Nine amplifiers with 270W Dynamic Peak; 135W RMS.
• Dimensions: 4' H x 46' W x 5-1/2' D Wireless music streaming with Bluetooth.

What makes Soundscape a standout product?

Paradigm award-winning sound quality! It's a giant sonic step above anything available at the big box stores. Paradigm engineering delivers four beautifully designed 4' composite cone woofers that serve up deliciously deep bass. Our own Digital Signal Processing platform makes sure every note of that bass is clean and musical. Tailor the listening experience with switchable EQ modes to suit placement on a wall or flat surface. Action packed movies or multichannel music? With Dolby Digital encoded material, turn on the Dedicated Movie Mode with Paradigm Virtual Surround for a breathtaking surround experience (full details on this later). Switch to Music Mode for 2-channel listening. Bluetooth capability with aptX coding for high quality audio streaming. Charge Bluetooth devices from another room while continuing playback in the same room. A subwoofer's not necessary, but one can be added (sold separately), a transmitter is built in and a wireless sub receiver is included.

Beautiful OLED display0003

The Paradigm Soundplay's onboard OLED display is made from an organic material that emits its own light, unlike a traditional LCD display that requires a backlight and filters. The striking advantages of an OLED display include superior contrast, wide viewing angles, and a fast response rate.

Behind the scenes?

Special Soundscape features and why they're important The three full-range driver complements are physically separated into separate channels within the cabinet. This ensures sound from all channels travels widely throughout the room. A nice change from typical soundbars on the market, stereo imaging is immaculate. Superb reproduction of the original live event or original recording session. You'll find yourself dodging and ducking as special effects and surround sound flies around the room ... a true edge-of-the-seat movie experience.

Placement Options For Every Application

The unique positioning of the 9 drivers provides 3 distinct placement options without sacrificing audio performance. Whichever mounting position you choose, the OLED display remains “right-reading”.

3 x 1' high-power ferro-fluid-cooled dome tweeters:

Ah! The purity of pure-aluminum dome tweeters. A rarity at this price. What's the benefit? Ferro-fluid cooling the voice coil radically improves power handling so that reaching the high notes is never a problem.

Three-Dimensional Soundfield™0003

Soundplay drivers are divided into three sets within the narrow soundbar structure. Each set is aimed at a scientically-determined angle, to send sound information out to specific locations within your listening area. This driver-aiming arrangement delivers a more uniform sound field, with more dynamic range and more realistically blended response, than any other soundbar in this class. Soundplay succeeds where other soundbars fall flat: All around you.

Paradigm Shift Defined

4' High-Power Bass/Midrange Woofers

Our composite cone woofers deliver a superb low-mass, high-stiffness ratio. What's the benefit? Excellent sound reproduction in the higher midrange and fast transient response (explosions, special effects are heard and felt!).

Paradigm Virtual Surround Explained

In systems without dedicated surround or rear speakers, much of the wonder and magic of surround sound is lost since there are no physical speakers to deliver it. Carefully mixed by recording engineers in the studio, this precious information sits neglected and unheard in front left and right speakers. Paradigm Virtual Surround. developed by Paradigm engineers, ensures that none of that surround magic is lost. Humans have the ability to hear sound in three dimensions. Through sophisticated mathematical algorithms that capitalize on this ability, Paradigm Virtual Surround processing gathers all the neglected surround sound information in a central sweet spot, then reflows it back into front left and right channels, sending it out into the room in a way that creates the auditory illusion of sound swirling around us. An auditory 'illusion' perhaps, but to our ears this experience is very very real, lifting the Soundscape experience to a realm that is spacious, authentic, immersive and magically engaging.

Audio Optimized For Any Space

Paradigm Shift Examples

Paradigm’s Premium Wireless Series products all feature exclusive Anthem Room Correction (ARC™) Technology. ARC uses an exclusive Calibration Microphone and advanced DSP algorithms to quickly and easily optimize speaker performance in any space. In just a few easy steps the microphone measures sound output, compares it to scientifically optimal response curves, and instantly tunes your wireless speaker’s output for perfect sound. You’ll actually hear the difference Anthem Room Correction makes. Premium Wireless products also now support ARC Mobile, making it even easier to tune your speakers using an iOS device.
Download ARC Mobile now
* You must have your Soundplay connected to your network via Ethernet cable to use ARC Mobile.

Proprietary Class-D Amplification with Digital Signal Processing (DSP)

Paradigm Shift Definition

What's the benefit of Digital Signal Processing in already-high class of amplification? Our proprietary DSP platform uses sophisticated algorithms to shape frequency response so that even when Soundscape is playing loud, bass remains clear and musical. DSP is also the processing power behind spacious Paradigm Virtual Surround Sound (see below). Room-filling spaciousness or deep bass? In most soundbar designs, it's a trade-off. Not here! Our DSP-based algorithms deliver the best of both worlds – deep musical bass and spacious, room-filling sound. In a soundbar, it's rare to have both!

Partnered with the NRC

Paradigm is partnered with Canada’s world-renowned NRC in ongoing research to reveal the true nature of sound and human hearing. Findings influence design and performance specs, resulting in a uniquely realistic listening experience, backed by sound science.

ProductDesignFrequency Response On-AxisLow Frequency ExtensionSensitivity Room / Anechoic
Shift A2 Built-in Class-D Amplifier 30 Hz (DIN) 90 dB / 87 dB

Paradigm Shift Aew

Specifications are subject to change without notice.