Mark Twain Ulysses Grant

'The autobiography of General Grant,” Clemens proclaims, “is the most admirably simple, direct and unpretentious story that was ever put on paper by a supremely great man.” Clemens has come into New York to have his office put together some statistics about this “marvel of monumental modesty” for a speech to a group of publishers – but now that he has the facts and figures at hand, won’t use them. They “sound like an immense brag,” he says, and are “too loud a contrast to the book's modesty”:
We have printed & sold 610,000 single volumes, at an average of $4 each; using 906 tons of papers; & in the binding, 35,261 sheep, goat, & calf skins, & 25 1/4 miles of cloth a yard wide. There were 276 barrels (69,0000 pounds) of binder-paste used, and the gold-leaf on the backs of the books cost $21,639.50; 41 steam-presses were employed day & night, & together they turned out a complete book at every revolution. The book was issued 14 months ago, & we have thus far paid Mrs. Grant two checks for royalties: one for $200,000, & the other for $150,000 - & more is still due her. The historic Macaulay check which hangs framed at Longmans is for $100,000. [Better take it down].
Clemens asks Smith to remember, when sitting down to read the book, that most of the second volume was dictated by Grant as he died “passing slowly away in the pitiless agonies of cancer in the mouth” and that he revised the work “with his pencil during the last three weeks of his life - after he had become entirely speechless.” The General, he concludes, made no braver fight in the field than he made on his deathbed.
In a long addendum written the next day, Clemens continues that he is also sending Smith “a copy of the Scrapbook,' that there isn’t a uniform set of his books, and he will be visiting England as soon as he finishes building “a love of a machine” – the fabulous and doomed Paige Compositor - without which he cannot come: “one doesn't go abroad & leave his soul and entrails behind.”
  • Mark Twain and Ulysses S. Grant met in Washington, D.C., when he was still an unknown journalist back in 1867. The two grew closer when Mark Twain roasted Ulysses in a celebratory dinner. Ulysses Grant was the first to laugh when the shade was thrown at him. From then on, Mark Twain was personally commissioned by Ulysses Grant to write his memoir.
  • In the last year of his life, Ulysses S. Grant wrote one of the most impressive memoirs ever created by any former commander in chief — it was an achievement fostered by his friendship with author.

Twain was impressed with how well Grant wrote, and advance word saved the day: By the time Grant finished the manuscript, there were 100,000 pre-orders for the book. In the end, Grant posthumously earned over $400,000 from his memoirs (millions in today's money). Grant’s Personal Memoirs: The Mark Twain Connection Posted on July 19, 2014 Few people have left so indelible a mark on the United States of America as did Ulysses S. Like George Washington, Grant led the people of this land both in time of war and, subsequently, as president of the country.

Hiram Ulysses Grant stood five feet and seven inches tall and slightly muscular. He entered West Point as he was just five feet and one inch, which is an inch above the academy’s minimum height requirement and grew six inches by his graduation. Ulysses possessed soft blue eyes, wavy brown hair, and thin lips. He also donned a full beard and mustache.


Ulysses was shy and reserved when he was young. He was an undistinguished student and had no charm in him; however, he excelled in horsemanship.

Mark Twain Ulysses Grant

Ironically, Ulysses S. Grant was known to achieve fame on the battlefield; however, he was particularly squeamish and could not take the sight of animal blood. He was described as modest, soft-spoken, and mild-manner; that is why many think of him as half woman. Ulysses rarely uses foul language and disliked dirty jokes.

After Ulysses S. Grant served with distinction in the Mexican-American War and resigned from the army in 1854, he ventured as a flopping farmer, real estate agent, and even a rent collector for seven years. Despite all this, he remained to be a devoted family man and prioritize his family. Ulysses possessed a risky behavior. Left for dead torrent mac. Since he was often away from his family, he struggled with alcohol throughout this life. It was even used against him during presidential elections. His alleged excessive drinking was also reported in newspapers during his service in the Civil War.


He was known as a serious and well-disciplined soldier; however, Ulysses S. Grant hates wearing a uniform. He received numerous demerits for his lousy uniforms when he was still in West Point. Office is free for mac os. Even after he was commissioned as the supreme leader of the Union Army during the American Civil War, Ulysses rarely carried his sword. He wore a humble civilian hat, muddy boots, and an ordinary private coat with his rank stitched.

Ulysses S. Grant was a charming leader because of his relaxed, warm, and “live and let live” personality, which made him naturally famous and likable. He was also a loyal friend. He appeared laid back, spontaneous, and non-judgmental. Ulysses made the people around him comfortable and easy to get along.

He was also famous for being a superstitious man. Ulysses S. Grant much believed that it is bad luck to retrace someone else’s steps. As a metaphor, if he can turn around and walk down the same street, he would not turn around and walk back on the same street; hence, he would keep going and return from another road.

As the commanding general during the American Civil War, Ulysses Grant led the Union to numerous victory over the Confederacy because of his tenacity, passion, and will to fight. His ideas and strategies worked well to intimidate notorious Confederate leaders. He was boldly artistic and humanistic as his creativity resonates with the cause of the battle.

Trend for mac. One of the significant weaknesses of Ulysses S. Grant was his fierce independence. His freedom is often his top priority; that is why he believed that some traditions and even hard rules create a sense of oppression.

Mark Twain Life Story

His unpredictability is both an asset and a liability. As he was gifted in reading maps and formulating military strategies against the Confederates, he escalates small things into intense competitions, which led to success and long-term glory.

Mark Twain Ulysses Grant Memoirs

Ulysses S. Grant’s greatest strength is arguably the joy in being with his loved ones. His natural warmth, practicality, and relaxed nature helped him settle and appreciate the moments he had with his family. As a father, he was open-minded and well-balanced. He allowed his children to explore and experience new things for them to learn from their mistakes.

His service for his nation was not just a job form Ulysses S. Grant. He emphasized long-term planning and attempted to push his experimental views to the test. Ulysses maximized the opportunity he had on the battlefield alongside generals Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott. He analyzed their victories and failures, which geared him up as a commander.

In conclusion, Ulysses S. Grant was known for his risky yet bold personality. Despite being an ordinary man, his conscious effort to develop and learn from weak traits or mistakes made him an exceptional leader in the long run. He earned his nickname, “Unconditional Surrender Grant,” his unwavering passion for winning catapulted him to fame.

Mark Twain Ulysses Grant

In the latter part of Ulysses’ life, he formed a surprising friendship. Mark Twain and Ulysses S. Grant met in Washington, D.C., when he was still an unknown journalist back in 1867. The two grew closer when Mark Twain roasted Ulysses in a celebratory dinner. Ulysses Grant was the first to laugh when the shade was thrown at him. From then on, Mark Twain was personally commissioned by Ulysses Grant to write his memoir.